Thursday, January 26, 2012


Guess who is awake, and swallowing! and guess who is eating chicken noodle soup?!


Sabrina said...

PTL!!! What a huge blessing! Way to WIN THE DAY JOEL!!!

Kassy said...

Yay!! What great news! :-)

Anonymous said...

I know you don't know me..I am a relative of Stephanie Harpole..great aunt to Claire bear..and have been reading your blog...please know that a whole community is praying for you..and your husbands speedy recovery..
when Claire needed it, all my circle of friends prayed...and now your family needs it will be...
so glad they caught it..and pray for all to be resolved in a happy healthy way..

big ((hugs)) from us! to you

Uncle Marky said...

I am so happy to hear this sis! Lord is so good. Hope you get some good sleep tonight. Love you!