Friday, August 3, 2012


Recently Joel posted an image of his most recent scan. I want to start out by saying that, me I personally am not a fan of his scans. They are hard to see. I understand the miracle of him... Which I thank God for daily. But it's hard to see the reality. Truth.

Honest raw truth is, my husband has brain cancer. Nearly one six of his brain has been removed. He looks fine. His hair covers the scar, it's quite hard to see now.

His personality has changed. He is him, but different. How couldn't he be? I am. Numbers are hard to remember and occasional frustration when tired. Not too bad considering. He communicates better, cares deeper, laughs more and all around more out going. Blessed!

The raw truth at the end of the day remains as this: We love a God who protects and heals, my husband walks, talks and is a daddy/Ducky. No one knows the number of our days, cancer or not. Each day remains a gift in this fragile life. We are changed. We expect healing in miraculous ways. God is able. Day by day we will continue to push forward.

Pray for a miracle going into Monday, our scan.

Six months ago, it was unimaginable. And ODOT family thank you for helping us.

Here it is. Ucsf surgeons. Thank you. Thank you. The black space means cancer is gone. This is remarkable.
Now cancer stay gone.

1 comment:

Jenay said...

Wow!!! Continued prayers. Beautiful truthful post Jill. God has done a mighty work indeed.