What is a normal day? Not sure I know but I think this was about as normal as it comes. Every night Joel and I write out goals for the next day. They are usually small but needed things--- like call so and so... (usually about 10 of these ha!!) Walk more, drink more water, ect... Or goals of things to do with and for Princess. Today our Goals are getting checked off, and we are going to move on to valentines' cards and Thank Yous! (Thankful we have a lot to do!)
Friends have visited, Joel loves this, but it is a bit exhausting... Laundry is done, floors are clean and bills are paid.
We continue to be amazed at the way God provides, and directly hears the desires of our heart.. Here are a couple of examples---- I wanted to make special valentines day cookies with Evey, but knew spending the extra money on the "supplies" was not really something i should do. Only to find a friend had bought the supplies, and dropped them off at my house-- to make cookies-- they happened to be the same sprinkles I had nearly placed in my cart. Yep made me cry. Another is the desire to make crafts with Evey and how friends randomly bring craft things for me her!
Yet, today this one got me- Joel has already lost quite a bit of weight not that its horrible, but I am concerned its muscle based and it needs to slow down! So we were talking about a protein powder drink, and I had no idea what to get and would need to spend time searching--- low and behold a friend who stopped by-- brought us a bag of high quality protein drink. Shocked? Yep I am amazed everytime.
People keep asking how they can help? There are several ways.
The warm meals, and bags of groceries that friends and new friends have been bringing has been a blessing, and I know will bless us for many months to come. These meals also bring visits that feed our souls.

Want to buy a nifty storage solution or personalized item? Check out 31 Gifts! A dear friend is donating the proceeds from a sale at 31 Gifts! These are great products! I do love my bag!
And now, a friend of Joel's Uncle is giving the proceeds from her etsy store to us! We are amazed at the generosity and compassion of a woman we have never even met!! Her products and patterns are so beautiful!
Your cards, gift cards, and money are easing our journey so much as well. We are so excited to go get the mail, to find not just bills but actual mail!!!
J&J Dougall
PO BOX 40702
Eugene, OR 97404
But most of all your prayers! Keep them coming each time we know someone checks our blog "Even as a hit" we know it means a prayer or loving thought. This is so encouraging to us!
Pray that with the appointments ahead (Yep my phone calls pay off!) we are able to stabilize Joel's medications safely- so he may rest! Pray for my neck and back, as I tweaked it a few nights ago (Thankful to be heading to the chiropractor soon!) Continue to pray for our princess- This is hard to understand as an adult, yet alone as a toddler. Those that have thought of her from the start-- thank you for your heart. The coloring, crafts, baking, and leapster fun are helping keep her mind busy!
We are so thankful. Joel is continuing to make progress. He is walking well with just a walking stick (He is using his hiking stick as the cane/walker made him feel OLD!) Last night he even went to the potty alone, so I could sleep!! We are thankful that all God has and continues to give us. We are surrounded by such love.
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