Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Oregon liquid sunshine is coming down!

So far so good, another day with the three of us. Its raining, so it will be a wonderful day to be home, inside.

Pray for rest for Joel. He still isn't into sleeping a whole lot.

And pray for me, as I tweaked my neck last night.

Having a fun play day, pictures eventually to follow...


marlece said...

How long do you get to have time off of work Jill? Glad to see you are all good. I am sorry you are not sleeping well, it looks like one of the BIG prayers throughout is your rest. So, I pray that for you, REST, A.M.E.N!

Oregon Highlander said...

Marlece thankyou for praying4 Jill she is taking an amazing restful nap this very moment.

Anonymous said...

Chris, this is also Joel 2.0 I don't both are napping at the moment. hope you had a great Friday!

Anonymous said...

delete the "I don't" on the last comment. ;)