Saturday, March 24, 2012


Tonight after work, we did what all people under tremendous stress do. We went to the carnival! We played a
Few games road a couple rides... Princess and I did... Ducky watched And we won some quality prizes including a strawberry shortcake puzzle...

Honestly we have been feeling the stress of the impending surgery the last couple days.. Each time the paper chain gets shorter, I often cringe. I know God is in control... But the silly what ifs sneak in... what if Joel is paralyzed, what if the cancer is worse, what if... What if... What if I let go? What if I understood I have no control? What if any one had a guarantee for tomorrow? What if?

So we cope, we pray and we trust.. We rejoice, we praise, we cry, we pray and maybe we go to carnivals. We know God is bigger than all the what ifs. But that doesn't mean our faith matches what we know every second.

So continue praying as this next battle is so close, I can feel it. Be praying for Protection over Princess, Strength for Joel and wisdom for me. Also pray for health for all three too continue.


Debbie said...

Jill, you and your beautiful family are in my thought and prayers daily!

Carol said...

I know it's hard to think positive sometimes especially now, but it's going to be OK. Think happy thoughts. When do you leave? Keep in touch by any means possible. Call us anytime even if you just want to talk. We're good listeners. Love, Uncle Bill and Aunt Carol

Loice said...

We are with you in prayer. Oh that God's presence shall be with you at every step! May the peace of God sapurs your understandg. With love and prayer, Loice, Emma and Joel in Africa