Friday, April 4, 2014

2 years ago...

Today we reach another day we won't forget. Two years ago we walked into UCSF for the longest wait of my life. 

Joel was prepped, lines started, and every part of me had to breathe deeply; trusting our God. I don't say it lightly, but this day and the seventy-two hours following changed our life.

I stayed close as possible to Joel as the minutes ticked closer, we waited and waited. Finally anesthesia came, I kissed Joel a few more times, and watched him wheel into the neuro OR.

It was hard, but to the waiting room I went. My dad insisted I eat lunch, which was brilliant, and I then made my little nest in the waiting room. Phone calls and OR updates would come in, hours would come and go... The initial time frame of five hours for his surgery rolled into a grueling Eleven. Longest day of my life indeed.

The surgeon look exhausted, but was optimistic. I have no words but gratitude and praise for him. His passion and desire for perfection are gifts. He took the time and finished right, no staples, only hundreds of well done small stitches. Joel's hair re growth thanks him.

The next days that went forward were by far hard. Joel and I, in a city with very little but each other. His obvious healing was rapid, the surgeon was pleased, recovery as a whole was harder and more exhausting than imagined.

Joel's last scan in January was stable. A celebration we don't take lightly. His next scan is in a few weeks, we are praying for another stable scan.

Us? We are growing! We are 24 weeks pregnant with boy-girl twins. We laugh at how little has happened as we "planned" but are so thankful that God's plans are better than our own.  I'm working hard at growing these babies, which is no easy task.

Our daughter is thrilled to be a big sissy. She continues to grow into a caring, funny, brilliant young lady. I couldn't be more proud.

Continue to pray, at his next scan we need stability. We need strength and energy as the months ahead are so busy yet exciting. 

Thank you, for following our life. Praying and sending good thoughts have surrounded us countless times as we have trekked this journey, and continue forward.

Our life is changed, but not destroyed. The new normal is always changing, and is changing more everyday. Cancer will always be in our life, but it won't control us. 

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