Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Busy! Thankful! Blessed!

Hello blog world,
I obviously either dropped off the face of earth of we have been busy living life in-spite of cancer!

Good news! Joel's last scan in September remained stable. We continue to live in thanks and humility at those words after scans. We know one scan, with even a mm of growth will turn our world around again!

This past season we moved, it's a positive thing! A lot of work though! It's a single story home in a great location. Praying this is long term home.

Princess started school... Kindergarten! She adores it! We love her school and are thankful for our new community around us! She loves reading. She is such a bright and caring kiddo. We are so blessed to be her parents! 

Joel continues to work full time in Corvallis. Today we got the exciting news of a transfer closer to home. We are so thankful. Truly what is needed! Good bye commute! 

Me? After nearly a year of infertility meds... Ups and downs.. Countless shots... Disappointment... And exhaustion... I'm pregnant! I'm very sick with a condition called hyperemesis. Basically, I vomit often, am dizzy and dehydrated.. requiring medications and iv fluid. This causes, missed work and smaller pay days... But we couldn't be more excited!

Next scan for Joel is mid January! Please pray it continues to be stable! Pray over me and our little miracles.